Saturday, 9 December 2006


Janice wrote and conducted a survey on our list of misunderstood animals:

She surveyed 25 people- 15 students between ages 13-18 and 20 adults ages 21-55. Here are the questions and the results:-

1. Are anacondas man-eating animals?

16 people said YES.
7 people said NO.
2 people said Don't Know.

2. Do you agree that gorillas are ferocious creatures?

13 people said YES.
12 people said No.
0 persons said Don't Know.

3. Do piranhas eat humans?

13 people said YES.
12 people said NO.
0 persons said Don't Know.

4. Are spiders in the home poisonous and a danger to children and pets?

8 people said YES.
10 people said NO.
7 people said Don't Know.

5. Is it true that octopuses are docile creatures?

17 people said YES.
6 people said NO.
2 people said Don't Know.

6. Where does your perception of these animals come from?

16 people said from MOVIES.
3 people said from WATCHING eg. documentaries.
1 person from READING eg. books, newspaper, magazines.
5 people from OTHERS eg. by word of mouth

7. Have you personally come up close to most of these animals?

15 people said YES.
10 people said NO.

surveyed by janice
edited and posted by shrompy

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